Philipp Probst
Author of 8 CRAN packages
Philipp Probst has worked on 8 packages so far. That's a lot of coding! Clearly, Philipp Probst is on a mission. Philipp Probst worked with over 35 collaborators. That's a huge group of developers—almost like a coding festival!
8 Packages
- OOBCurveOut of Bag Learning Curve
- measuresPerformance Measures for Statistical Learning
- mlrMachine Learning in R
- quantregRangerQuantile Regression Forests for 'ranger'
- rangerA Fast Implementation of Random Forests
- tscountAnalysis of Count Time Series
- tuneRangerTune Random Forest of the 'ranger' Package
- varImpRF Variable Importance for Arbitrary Measures
- Bernd Bischl
- Michel Lang
- Lars Kotthoff
- Giuseppe Casalicchio
- Jakob Richter
- Patrick Schratz
- Jakob Bossek
- Pascal Kerschke
- Martin Binder
- Florian Pfisterer
- Janek Thomas
- Christoph Molnar
- Julia Schiffner
- Zachary Jones
- Mason Gallo
- Erich Studerus
- Leonard Judt
- Tobias Kuehn
- Florian Fendt
- Xudong Sun
- Bruno Vieira
- Laura Beggel
- Quay Au
- Stefan Coors
- Steve Bronder
- Alexander Engelhardt
- Annette Spooner
- Marvin N. Wright
- Stefan Wager
- Jonathan Rathjens
- Roland Fried
- Tobias Liboschik
- Konstantinos Fokianos
- Simon Klau
- Silke Janitza